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Handyman Tips to Boost Productivity

Building a successful handyman business is not just about being good at your trade. It’s about building a system around yourself that helps you be productive and streamlined while in the field as well as in the office. This is why these handyman tips to boost productivity are great to have in your back pocket

As, when you are the business owner, you’ll spend a lot of time in each area until you can systemize and scale to bring in staff. 

And it’s likely that you don’t really love computer work right? This is why you built a life where you work with your hands. As you transition into business ownership though, you’ll find yourself doing the admin, billing and estimating tasks too. Creating systems around you in the field and the office are going to help you succeed.

Today, I thought we’d dive into some expert tips that will help you boost your productivity and streamline your handyman services in the office and the field. Let’s start with the field.

Handyman Tips for Productivity in the Field

Tool Bag Essentials:

You’ve likely noticed that there are some tools you go back to again and again. Likely 20% of your tools that get used 80% of the time. This simple handyman tip is to maximize your efficiency in the field (and in turn profitability), it’s crucial to have your tools and supplies organized and easily accessible. So, look at what you use most often and build yourself a tool bag with designated pockets for the tools you do use most often. If there are specific jobs that call for specific tools, make a toolbag that is specific to that type of job.. This way, you can quickly grab what you need without wasting time searching through your vehicle. This bag can be easily carried into each job and has what you need the majority of the time

Smart Task Sequencing:

Planning and scheduling tasks in a logical order can save you valuable time and energy. Take a look at your work order before you begin to assess the job requirements and create a task sequence that minimizes backtracking. Taking 5 minutes at the beginning of the day to plan it out can save you an hour’s time. And if you are working via bid work, the time you save is profit in your pocket.

Time Tracking for Better Scheduling:

Tracking the time spent on each job work that will pay off quickly as you bring in employees.  By recording how long different tasks take, you’ll gain insights into the actual time required for specific projects. This data can help you schedule future jobs more effectively, ensuring you allocate the right amount of time for each task. This not only helps you manage expectations of yourself and your team, it allows an admin to be able to do much of your scheduling for you… which is another task of your plate which is why it is a highlighted handyman tip. Luckily, if you use Field Pulse, it will track your time for you as soon as you click the job to “in progress”

Handyman Tips for Productivity in the Office:

Streamlined Communication:

When working with clients, effective communication is key. You know what to expect because you do this every day. Your clients? Not so much. But it can be repetitive to explain the process to every single client. Luckily you don’t have to. You can use digital tools and software that facilitate seamless communication with clients, suppliers, and team members. Whether it’s using project management platforms or chat apps, streamlined communication will save you time and keep everyone on the same page. Our go to is Field Pulse as it’s the all in one stop platform to keep track of your jobs and invoices for home service based businesses.

Organized Documentation:

A well-organized documentation system is a productivity booster. Especially if you plan on growing a team. Establish a system for storing and accessing important paperwork, contracts, and records. By having everything in order, you’ll spend less time searching for documents and more time focusing on your core business activities. Our go to is Google Drive as it’s available via the cloud, and it means you have all your important documents available anywhere you are and it’s automatically attached to your email.

Automate Repetitive Tasks:

Repetitive administrative tasks can eat up your precious time. Embrace automation tools and software that can handle tasks like invoicing, scheduling, and follow-ups. By automating these repetitive processes, you’ll free up valuable hours in your day to focus on more important aspects of your business.  For all our clients we set them up with  Field Pulse and connect to Google Drive via Zapier. This allows you to remove the manual labor of a lot of annoying but necessary data management in your business.

It’s no secret that we love what  Field Pulse, Google Drive and Zapier can do for your business. I’ve helped over 20 businesses launch and streamline for growth over the past year using the productivity tips as mentioned above. Are you using them to help your business?

We hope these productivity hacks will empower you to work smarter and achieve even greater success in your handyman business. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us. We’re here to help you thrive!

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Hey! I’m Becca, I’m a business coach and brand builder. Which means that I love all the geeky business stuff that makes your eyes gloss over. I’m here to help you learn how to build your handyman (or any service biz) from the ground up. I break down the systems and strategies for you to implement and use to grow your business.




